So my big Self (with the capital S you see) says, “Honey” in a deep southern drawl (don’t ask, I think it came from the book The Shack, and stuck). “You just put on those muck boots and share what you know, you only speak from the heart, be vulnerable, be brave, and be courageous”. And somehow it shusshes the little ‘s’ self to sneak back into her dark corner for the next round of flagellation.
Yoga for me, is about claiming or reclaiming your Capital Big “S” S.E.L.F. It is that part of you that is expansive, centered, joyful, grounded, healthy and radiant. S/he sets boundaries, says no and says yes when it matters. The more efforting you place into growing and importantly knowing your Big S self, the more you are able to discern when the little s is sitting at your table and when the little ‘s’ is making decisions. Most often little s is making decisions out of fear or shame. *Insert plug here to look at Brene Brown’s research on shame and wholehearted living*.
So the invitation is to tread gently, take what you need and leave the rest on the page. I’m going to spend the week focusing on stepping in and growing authenticity and watching the pattern of the Big S and little s as they come into play in my everyday experiences.
Your Big S voices and choices will feel energetic, lively, free, safe, grounded and true to you.
Your little s voices and choices will feel heavy, lost, anxious, rushed, tiresome and uneasy.
Can you spot your BIG S and your little s? Awareness is where it all begins, it gently unfolds and unlocks the way in.
You did then what you knew how to do, and when you knew better, you did better. ~ Maya Angelou